Improve your football skills

It is no secret that the beautiful game is the most widely played sport in the world. It takes little effort to play football- all you need is a ball, and some willing blokes. The rules are basic- try and find the back of the opponent’s net, and prevent them from scoring.

What separates the average footballer from the Ronaldos amd the Messis ? The answer is simple-training. Many people may be naturally talented at football, but unless you hone your talent over a consistent period of time, you’ll never reach the level of top footballers. This holds true for every sport, and not just soccer.

I was hunting for a soccer training guide on the internet. Google brought up a few links, and I browsed through them. It made for interesting reading, but implementing it will be harder than it seems. I’ll be the first person to put my hand up and say that I’m no great genius with the football. But I do work hard, and who knows, one day I might be able to bend it better than Beckham :p.

Some people do not know about the fine art of set pieces. Novices will kick the football as hard as possible, but there are subtleties involved. You need to hit it with the correct portion of your body, and try and use the swerve to fool the keeper.

In football, it is probably better to focus on one area than trying to be a jack of all trades. Versatility is appreciated, but it is absolutely essential that you are very, very good in one position. Did you know that John Terry was not initially a centre half, but became one after he deputised for some absent players as a school boy ?

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